Saturday, September 24, 2022

The “Under Appreciated” Pile: Scan 23

I owe you guys an extra entry from the day I had a migraine, so I will try to sneak in 2 blog posts today. First off, thank you to all the people who have been reading, reading and commenting, or just stopping by and realizing that they stumbled on a card blog and not something that has to do with actual cardboard. This blog of mine is actually coming up on 15,000 reads! Never in a million years would I think that people would actually read this thing. If you are a frequent reader, I apologize if you aren’t into the “under-appreciated” pile entries, but good news, they’re almost done.

This card was in this pile because I actually planned on scanning this for a blog entry that would be coming up when I had more time on my hands. I will go into a deeper dive on this card in that post, I promise. All I can tell you about this card is that it was stolen from me once when I was a kid, and returned to me when I was a teenager. Like I said before, the whole story will unfold in that entry. Well, I will post the card now since I have a t-ball game to coach today. Enjoy your Saturday my friends and enjoy Scan 23!

1985 Topps Mark McGwire RC

Verdict: Appreciated!


  1. That's a tease worth coming back for :)

    1. Oh no...pressure is on. I better make that post a good one!

  2. I'm not into reality tv, but I've really enjoyed the "reality" posts. Hope that t-ball game went well.
