Thursday, September 1, 2022

The "Under-Appreciated" Pile: Scan 1

Well, I’m almost all the way through the day, I scanned all the cards on my desk from the "under-appreciated" pile, and I feel productive. Also, I haven’t browsed any sites for cards. I sold 2 on eBay, but nothing else. 

So, back to the scans…I went through the “under-appreciated” pile and took out 29 cards I felt I needed to appreciate more, and 1 card I have been meaning to scan that was in a box near my computer desk. Here is the first from the "under-appreciated" pile:

2018 Donruss Optic J’Mon Moore Red & Yellow Prizm RC

Recently a friend from social media had a stack sale, and I grabbed this card for 25 cents. If you don’t know what a stack sale is, it is when a person posts a photo of a bunch of cards lined up with a # above them and you have to be the first to claim a card. It’s fun until you lose a bunch of claims on cards you really like. I grabbed this J’Mon Moore card because he reminds me of the last year, I was writing fantasy articles for a few different websites. This one website in particular assigned me to do a deep dive on Moore for their dynasty league drafts article on Rookie Wide Receivers. After watching hours of J’Mon Moore, it was hard for me to come up with a lot of positives about what I just saw, but I did the best I could. What it all came down to was me not really recommending anyone drafting him in their dynasty drafts. While writing this article, my son who was about 5-6 months old was crawling around at my feet, so I picked him up and he watched a bunch of tape of J’Mon Moore with me. This card brought up that memory for me.

So, do I appreciate this card? The answer is, yes, I believe I do. J’Mon Moore will always remind me of when my oldest son was a baby and could fit in my lap. Boy does time fly!


  1. I have "stack sale" muted on Twitter. I don't mind people doing them, I just hate that they were always clogging up my timeline.

  2. I hear ya Jon. I usually don't participate anymore, but my buddy Jeff was running the sale with his 15-year-old son, so I wanted to support them. I bought about $10 worth of stuff from them. They're always hitting me up with hockey stuff they pick up before they throw it up for sale and give me amazing deals.
